
The digital Money Lenders Guidelines will be finalized by the Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority (UMRA) and rolled out. There has been outcry over the ethical, predatory lending and breaches of personal data by some of the digital lenders.
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This brief analyses the salient developments in competition/antitrust law and regulations in East Africa and gives a predictive outlook to 2023. Download here.
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Business and investment relationships between the UAE and Eastern Africa (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Southern Sudan, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo and Djibouti) are experiencing upward growth. According to the UAE’s Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Centre, the UAE’s non-oil exports and re-exports to the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) reached $4...
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Internet Image Recently, the Commercial Court of Uganda in the case of Ham Enterprises Limited & 2 Others vs Diamond Trust Bank (Uganda) Limited & Another, Miscellaneous Application No. 654 of 2020 (the Ruling) held that a foreign bank must obtain a license/approval from the Bank of Uganda (the Ugandan Central Bank) prior to directly...
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The German startup ecosystem and lessons for Uganda
Last week, I was in the German cities of Berlin and Dresden interacting with innovators, incubation hubs, accelerators, professionals, policy makers, corporate entities and private sector bodies such as the German-Africa Business Association, the Mittelstand Alliance Africa and the German Startups Association. The visit and dialogues were coordinated by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, a German...
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Visit's Visit to Uganda Feb, 2020
At the time of writing this article, I am seated at “The Innovation Village” in Kampala after just having a conversation with Vusi Thembekwayo, an acclaimed business mogul, global speaker and venture capitalist. A son of the African soil, Vusi is the CEO of MyGrowthFund, an African focused venture capital fund. The nuance of his...
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